TGIF!!! Thank God it's Friday. I'm psyched about this weekend. Finally get a day of rest. Today I left work early because I wanted to get some things done, then go running at town lake. Well that didn't happen as planned. Oh well, I have all day tommorrow. So I have a little extra time on my hands and I suppose gives me a chance to set up my blog. What does this thing do anyway. What is there to do on a Friday except party, doesn't interest me, not today or any time soon. I sound pretty lame but I'd rather stay in and catch up on some reading. Jejejeje listen to me if it were a year ago I wouldn't be saying that.
But things changed from then to now.
People change.
I've changed.
At January 16, 2006 9:57 PM,
SOL said…
Me alegra que haygas decidido robarte un espacio de la internet,ahora hecha tu mente a volar, habla con la los labios cerrados, suena con los ojos abiertos y nunca dejes de expresarte en palabras por que con ellas dibujas lo que nadie sabe.
And yes, your Avatar looks exactly like you...cute, that is. Ciao y un beso de colores.
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